Capricorn Moon Spread

Hey Moonchild! I’m back with another Moon cycle spread in preparation of the Dark & New Moon in Capricorn that will happen in a few days. (Dark moon in Capricorn happens the 26th at 5am UT). This is the fourth spread in my Lunar Cycle series and I hope you’ve all been enjoying it! If you are not familiar with working with the moon I encourage you to read my blog The Moon.

Continue reading Capricorn Moon Spread

Tarot – The Nesting Doll Method

Hello my fellow Tarot enthusiasts, today I bring you the Nesting Doll Method. It’s not so much a “how to” as my usual content, but for those of you who have a daily routine and want more out of your card readings this might be interesting! And no, Natalia didn’t ask me to write this!

Continue reading Tarot – The Nesting Doll Method

The Power of Words

Today I want to talk about a topic that you’ll find present in most of your magical and spiritual practices. Words. Specifically why words, or sounds, matter or not and why they can be so powerful.

We all know sometimes words can truly touch us, inspire us, hurt us, activate us, and that is part of the power of words. Words give us connection and understanding between people. Words let us express things from our inner being externally.

Continue reading The Power of Words

The Threads of Fate review

Today I’m back with deck review on the Threads of Fate Oracle that has been released this year, 2019. I typically do my reviews in order of when I bought them, and these are some of my more recent deck purchases, I couldn’t wait to tell you about it. I took loads of pictures for this review and they are shown in “galleries” so you can click on them to enlarge them.

This is also the first review for which I have recorded a video!
I’ll link it on the blog separately when I’m done editing it, as I’m still trying to get my head around the best way to do that. When I post is separately you’ll also be notified when it is up rather than having to check back here. When it is up I’ll likely add a link in this review to find it more easily.

I’ll be doing more filmed reviews if it works out as I feel you sometimes get a better idea of the deck, seeing someone hold it and flip through it, rather than just seeing it in pretty pictures on a blog.

Continue reading The Threads of Fate review

Sagittarius Moon Spread

Hey Moonchild! I’m back with another Moon cycle spread in preparation of the Dark & New Moon in Sagittarius that will happen next week. (Dark moon in Sagittarius happens the 26th at 3pm UT). This is the third spread in my Lunar Cycle series and I hope you’ve all been enjoying it so far! If you are not familiar with working with the moon I encourage you to read my blog The Moon.

Continue reading Sagittarius Moon Spread

Deity Feature: The Panes

Hello everyone, today I want to talk about something a little different that is related to my personal path. The Panes. These are a few remnants of my years looking into hellenic paganism that I still work with to this day. As most of you know I’m a multi polytheistic witch and my main worship focuses on the Norse Deities, a few Greek Deities and one Celtic Goddess.

The Panes, or aspects of the Primal Pan that some believed to be separate Deities. I’ve been working with especially one of them since the start of my Witchcraft journey at age 11 so they are quite dear to me. I won’t be going into Primal Pan too much and mainly focus on these aspects or epithets.

Continue reading Deity Feature: The Panes

Samhain 2019

Happy Samhain, Halloween and for those in the Southern Hemisphere, happy Beltane! I’m here to share a short blog with you all! Today, the 31st of October, is the traditional date for Samhain!

If you follow the astrological Solar Year then you might want to celebrate Samhain at the astrological date, 7th November. This is when the sun 15º Scorpio, marking the midpoint of Autumn towards Winter.

Samhain is commonly celebrated by Pagans, Wiccans and witches. There are similar celebrations around this time of year from other cultures, but Samhain specifically originates from the Celtic tradition, also called the Celtic New Year. It is a time where we celebrate the final harvest before “death” comes over the land, essentially preparing for winter. It’s also a time where we honour deceased friends and family.

To celebrate Samhain you can eat harvestables from this time of year, leave a food offering for deceased friends and family, make an ancestral altar, do some spirit work, release parts of ourselves that have “died” or need change, do a year ahead tarot spread, or just connect to the transition in nature around us.

I’m keeping this short because I don’t exactly celebrate it myself (I do honour the natural aspect), but I know it’s a big thing in community and wanted to give everyone a little bit of info for those new to it.

Tarot 101 – Making Spreads

Hello Tarot Nerds, I’m back with a new Tarot 101 blog that can really help you in your personal divination practise once you’ve gotten a little more comfortable reading cards.

In this blog I will talk about something I see a lot of readers do, making your own spreads. I will talk about why you may want to make your own spreads, adapting existing spreads and building your own from scratch.

Continue reading Tarot 101 – Making Spreads

Scorpio Moon Spread

Hey Moonchild!
I’m back with another Moon cycle spread in preparation of the Dark & New Moon in Scorpio that will mark the start of next week! (Dark moon in Scorpio happens the 28th at 2am UT) We just got into Scorpio season the 24th (Sun in Scorpio) so the energy is relatively fresh still.

If you are not familiar with working with the moon I encourage you to read my blog The Moon.

Scorpio Energy

Scorpio is a fixed water sign in Astrology and focuses on our emotional state in relation to transformation, shadows and taboo. Scorpio has an intensity to it that goes with diving deep, but one of the side effects of this can be a lack of trust. This is however a great time to uncover our shadows, transform ourselves into better versions of ourselves. It’s a call on taboos that are essentially a part of us we are trying to hide.

I know these themes are playing a big role for myself right now and have been getting more to the front as of late, and I think I noticed a similar vibe with others, so I hope this will give you some clarity and focus.

Scorpio Moon Spread

It’s not for nothing the Death card in tarot is associated to the sign of Scorpio and that Scorpio is ruled by Pluto the planet of deep transformation. The cycle of ending so that something can rise anew, like a phoenix. Getting rid of the old, uncomfortable, unserving.

So that’s what I focused this spread on, the transformation we’re called to create this cycle and how we can best approach it.

  1. What are you in need of ending, changing. What needs to fall so you can rise. If you read reversed consider both.
  2. What you’re currently doing in regards to this.
  3. What is the advised action to take.
  4. What do you need to look out for / may be a struggle you’ll face.

Example Reading

Here’s my example spread using the Darkness of Light tarot, 3rd edition. I thought this was the perfect spread for this deck to make its debut on the blog.

  1. What are you in need of changing.
    • 6 of Wands: Allow yourself to see your successes, acknowledge the victory and rid of self-doubt. Don’t let a lack of recognition put your down and punish yourself for it. If you see the victory that’s all that matters.
  2. What you’re currently doing in regards to this.
    • 2 of Cups R: You’re out of balance with yourself, you’re not communicating properly about what you need and feel and it’s creating tension.
  3. What is the advised action to take.
    • The Fool: Start anew, approach something with a free spirit free of doubt and prejudice. As a major arcana this may hint at something bigger, but not necessarily, either way, you need to start a new journey.
  4. What may be a struggle you’ll face.
    • 6 of Cups: This initially may feel like an odd one. I interpret it as getting stuck in memories of the past. Maybe of failures and successes or how you wish you’d done things differently. It’s okay to look for patterns in the past but don’t get stuck there, we’re trying to change that to be better.

I hope you liked this spread and the idea for Moon Cycle spreads! If you try it out let me know here or tag me on social media at @witchy_attitude.

Witchy 101 – The art of Sigils

Sigils are one of the easiest ways to start magic as you don’t really need any materials other than pen and paper (or needed for any desired way of charging). It’s relatively easy, allows for creativity and can be very powerful depending on the time, energy and effort put into it. 

There are several methods of making it and some are more popular than others. I’ll be covering 3 methods as well as various ways of charging it. 

Continue reading Witchy 101 – The art of Sigils