2021 HoF Cartomancy Forecast

Hello everyone, welcome to my 2021 Cartomancy forecast, where I give you a impression of what it might be that 2021 will teach us. This is a pick a card reading, meaning there is a general theme that a specific pile will go into in a more specified way.

While I am relatively new to this system, I thought I’d give it a shot for this forecast. I will start of by giving you the theme of the year and afterwards you pick a pile and read the description written for that. This is not a prediction to be taken literally, but rather as an way to provoke thinking on what it may mean, what it may teach you or how different symbolic meanings can present themselves.

What I tend to do with yearly forecasts is write them down and monthly write how I could review that month based on the forecast. See it as a journaling prompt.

For this forecast I use the Cartomancy system called the Hands of Fate by Robin Artisson.

The Theme of 2021: 5♤

A mortal injury or lethal hurt.

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This isn’t a fun card. Hurt is uncomfortable, and by the description of it, it is not going to be pleasant. This hurt can show up in many ways, challenges, sacrifices, goodbyes, you name it. This will leave a big impact on your life, and without treating the injury, it will not recover.

Clearly, 2021 isn’t going to give us a easy time. Now, how this will show up in your life specifically can be vastly different from one person to another. All I can say, the challenge that 2021 will pose overall, will be a severe one.

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Pick one of the 4 stacks before moving on to how this challenge is filled in more specifically for you

Ready? Let’s see what tale awaits you!

North West: 9◇ + 4♤

Abundance, power, authority + (fragile) peace

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Your forecast tells a tale of a challenge that relates to abundance, which can mean wealth but also a different influential power. This abundance will grant you a sense of peace, calm, but know that this peace will be easily disturbed and still calls for caution along the road. Your tale is one of struggles and you require caution to deal with the challenges ahead.

North East: Q◇ + 5◇ + 8♧

Embodiment of abundance, nurturing, life + motivated by poverty, want, loss, ugliness + wisdom expertise, achievement, honours

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Your tale introduces you to the embodiment of wealth that sustains life, a feminine presence perhaps, but one motivated by ugly events such as loss and need. Encountering this embodiment will turn you to seek out more practical ways to acquiring wisdom and achievements to help deal with the challenge ahead.

South West: A♤ + 4♧

Death, change + clearing field, openness, harvest, reaping

Your tale is one of difficulty, but despite that will bring you clarity and rewards. The challenge ahead will be big and transformative, but not without sacrifice. Once you’ve gone through this hypothetical death, you will find the clarity, openness, that will allow you to reap the rewards of something important and worthwhile.

South East: 2◇ + K◇ + K♡

Exchange, transaction, choices, gossip, rumours + joined with embodiment of wealth and generosity + motivated by wisdom, good council, understanding

Your tale brings you to an exchange of sorts, be it wealth or information. This exchange will introduce you to the embodiment of wealth and generosity, possibly a masculine presence. This embodiment will be motivated in this encounter by means of giving or exchanging wisdom, council and understanding, not on a material level, but on a deeper, relational level.

Did your forecast tell you of the adventure 2021 has in store for you? I hope the year ahead will bring you growth and clarity as we traverse the challenges ahead. Good luck, and I wish you the best new year it has to offer!

Lessons: Reading Tarot

Hey everyone! I am starting a new series in 2021, Tarot Lessons to help you learn to read the Tarot Attitude (and maybe some tips for other systems!).

In this series I will be going over the tarot system and various ways to learn to read it. I will not be going into the card meanings one by one, but rather giving you tips to help you grow more familiar with them yourself. The blogs will be called lessons and contain information and questions for you to work with on your own.

Continue reading Lessons: Reading Tarot

Hands of Fate – Robin Artisson

Hello everyone, it’s been a while since I last did a book review, and I’m happy to say I got around to doing one again this month. This time I will be reviewing a book on Cartomancy, Hands of Fate by Robin Artisson. This book was recommended to me by Jess Rollar from Coffee with the Fool for being a very interesting Cartomancy system, and as I got eager to dive into Cartomancy (using playing cards instead of tarot) this quickly found its way onto my table.

Continue reading Hands of Fate – Robin Artisson

Monthly Shadow Guidance – Stagnation & Tenacity

Hello everyone, welcome to your new Shadow Work guidance of the month, where I pull a shadow card for you to contemplate, and a support card for how you can work this shadow aspect into your life with better understanding and more acceptance.

This month we are dealing with the Shadow found within the 4 of Water, paired with Tenacity.

If you are into divination yourself you can pull the 4 of Water/Cups card out of your deck and do a 3 card spread underneath it to reveal how this aspect shows up in your personal life.

For these readings I will be using my very own the Inner Dimensions Tarot and the Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle by Siolo Thompson.

4 of Water – Stagnation

The 4 of Water represents a stagnation of sorts, a place where all our feelings can settle for us to ponder them. Where we take a step back from these feelings to re-evaluate the situation. This when not done properly, can indicate facing an obstacle of our of emotional wellbeing, as frustrating as they can be, or simply frustration in the delay when what we truly want is to take action.

This shadow card asks you whether you’re stagnating or not, why that is be it a step back or an obstacle, and if how that can be both a good and a bad thing.

This card tells you to take a step back, to disconnect from your feelings and re-evaluate them. If done well you can restore energy this way, stability. It’s a point of rest where we can work on our inner selves.

I am personally quite disconnected from my emotions and know this can be an obstacle at times, as I don’t allow myself to feel certain things that I need to to properly process them. Understanding that polarity can be equally important.

I encourage you to write this down in a journal and write your thoughts and feelings about it, even if they seem unrelated. We are doing shadow work here, so getting all the nasty and scary things out is important, and likely will feel uncomfortable, but it is important work if we want to live more fulfilling lives.

Don’t try to satisfy the prompt in one day, revisit it throughout the month. What events come up related to this? If events inspire fear, how can you better deal with this fear? Write it all down, for only your eyes to see.


Tenacity is the support card for this prompt, and it’s an interesting card at that. Tenacity reminds us that while there are times we should let go, there are also times we need to hold on, not give up and give it our all. Persistence, determination and perseverance can grant us great rewards.

Why does this fit the 4 of Water? As we contemplate our wellbeing, our feelings maybe situations in our lives, we may want to let go because it seems easier. However, easier isn’t always better, and this card reminds us that sometimes we need to push ourselves to not give up on something that matters, or will help us be better in the end. We may feel overwhelmed, underappreciated or unseen, but cling to that which you know is true and valuable and you will prosper.

What are you tempted to let go of? What do you think could use some tenacity? What do you find valuable in your life and why? How can you properly push yourself in these circumstances?

I hope this reading has prompted some thoughts in yourself, consciously or subconsciously, and will help you build a better life for yourself. Remember, we are our shadow, and we are our light. We are both at once and neither, it all depends on how we perceive and interact with the things we come across.

Monthly Shadow Guidance – Competition & Balance

Hello everyone, welcome to your new Shadow Work guidance of the month, where I pull a shadow card for you to contemplate, and a support card for how you can work this shadow aspect into your life with better understanding and more acceptance.

This month we are dealing with the Shadow found within the 5 of Fire, paired with the Dragon.

If you are into divination yourself you can pull the 5 of Fire/Wands card out of your deck and do a 3 card spread underneath it to reveal how this aspect shows up in your personal life.

For these readings I will be using my very own the Inner Dimensions Tarot and the Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle by Kim Krans.

Continue reading Monthly Shadow Guidance – Competition & Balance

Runes & Tarot – Casting spreads

Hello everyone, today I want to talk to you about something I have developed for my personal and client readings: Casting spread. This is essentially a practise where you do a card reading and then do a casting on top of this spread.

The rune set that I use for my client readings is an Anglo-Saxon rune set I made myself in dedication of my ancestors, and thus I see it as my ancestors helping me guide myself and my clients on their path. This is important in my practice, and that’s why I started reading this way, but that also means it may not work for you in your practice. Still, I have never seen anyone else do this and thus wanted to share it, hoping it might inspire some of you.

Rune Casting

So let me start off with explaining what I mean with casting. If you’re not familiar with runes or rune casting this may be a little confusing, and if you are familiar, you may still think “wait what?”.

Continue reading Runes & Tarot – Casting spreads

Deity Feature: Jörmungandr

It’s time for another deity feature, but this time we’re covering a creature more so than a deity. We will be going over the infamous Jörmungandr. This creature isn’t exclusive to Norse myth however, and its very likely you’ve heard the name Ouroboros before, that originally comes from Ancient Egypt.

Please bear in mind that I’ll try to give you as much factual information about this being, but I cannot fully discuss them without adding my own experiences to it, so a part of this should be considered UPG (Unverified Personal Gnosis)

Artwork made by myself based on my interpretation of these deities.


Jörmungandr, meaning a combination of ‘huge/mighty’ and either ‘monster’ or ‘conduit of magic’. It is also known as the Midgard/World Serpent and is the second child of the God Loki and the giantess Angrboða. Their siblings being the goddess Hel and the wolf Fenrir.

Continue reading Deity Feature: Jörmungandr

Monthly Shadow Guidance – Burn out & Ephemeral

Hello everyone, welcome to your new Shadow Work guidance of the month, where I pull a shadow card for you to contemplate, and a support card for how you can work this shadow aspect into your life with better understanding and more acceptance.

This month we are dealing with the Shadow found within the 9 of Fire, paired with Ephemeral.

If you are into divination yourself you can pull the 9 of Fire/Wands card out of your deck and do a 3 card spread underneath it to reveal how this aspect shows up in your personal life.

For these readings I will be using my very own the Inner Dimensions Tarot and the Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle by Siolo Thompson.

Continue reading Monthly Shadow Guidance – Burn out & Ephemeral

Virgo Moon Spread

*This blog was supposed to be up last month but due to personal reasons wasn’t able to do so.
Hey Moonchild! I’m back with another Moon cycle spread in preparation of the Dark Moon in Leo & New Moon in Virgo that will happen upcoming Tuesday & Wednesday night. (The Dark Moon in Leo happens the 19th of August at 2.41am UT). This is the twelfth and last spread in my Lunar Cycle series. I hope you’ve all been enjoying it up until now. If you are not familiar with working with the moon I encourage you to read my blog The Moon.

For this spread I used a Dutch Tarot de Marseille that used to belong to my mother. (She told me it may have been from a subscription box).

Virgo Energy

Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. The sign represents an energy that is focused on practical structure, while adaptive, to ensure efficiency. Virgo energy can be perfectionistic for this very reason, ensuring their well-oiled machine is working properly most of the time. During Virgo season it often useful to reassess if everything is working properly, and fix the broken cochs where necessary. Virgo is a Mutable sign like Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini, meaning they know how to adapt to situations in order to support others or themselves.

Continue reading Virgo Moon Spread

Crystals 101: My approach

Hello everyone, I’m here with a bit of a personal 101 in regards to working with crystals. I see a lot of people treat crystals like they are their own entities and there are a lot of fluff surrounding it that simply doesn’t work for me. When I say this, people often are surprised to hear how big my collection is (140 different types of crystals, around 300 pieces total) and that I have a crystal healing certificate (thank you Dyona for facilitating that course!).

So I am here to share my approach. Perhaps it resonates with you, perhaps it inspires you or if not that I hope it will at the very least be an interesting read on how people are able to practice differently.

Continue reading Crystals 101: My approach