Gemini Moon Spread

Hey Moonchild! I’m back with another Moon cycle spread in preparation of the Dark & New Moon in Gemini that will happen Friday. (The Dark Moon in Gemini happens the 22nd at 5.39pm UT). This is the ninth spread in my Lunar Cycle series. I hope you’ve all been enjoying it so far but if you are not familiar with working with the moon I encourage you to read my blog The Moon.

For the pictures of this spread I used the Solaris Tarot by Elithien.

Gemini Energy

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. The sign represents a lot of mental energy, curiosity but also the duality of things. Gemini is really good at seeing both sides of the coin at once, which may make it seem conflicted, contradicting or indecisive at times. Like it’s ruler, Mercury, Gemini is very focused on mental processing. They need to work with mental stimulation, so reading, learning, researching, (and social interactions) are all very good things to do with Gemini energy. Gemini is a Mutable sign like Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, meaning they are more adaptive signs.

During the Dark moon the Sun and Moon will be in a supportive position to 3 planets currently in retrograde, Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn. While at the same time being challenged by Mars. We may be a little more unsure or sensitive about what action to take, but know that our core and emotional self (depending on your own positions) is supporting the lessons these 3 retrograde planets are trying to teach us this moon cycle.

Gemini Spread

This spread was build around Gemini shape and energy. I focused specifically on Gemini’s curiosity, adaptability and what action our current state of being (consciously and subconsciously) requires to work with the Gemini energy. The 3 layers are Conscious, Present and Unconscious. The left what we already are experiencing, and the right what action we require, where we ‘need to be’. Perhaps this shows you some duality the way Gemini likes to see it.

  1. Current state of being.
    Current energy in relation to yourself and the situations in your life right now.
  2. The conscious mind
    What is going on in your conscious mind. What are you thinking about. What are you curious about.
  3. The unconscious mind
    What is going on in your unconscious mind. What is bothering you, where do you need to adapt.
  4. Action to take
    The type of action you’re required to take based on current situations, that works in line with the moon cycle energy. This is based on actions and or decisions.
  5. To explore
    Something your conscious mind is curious about and wishes you to further explore, learn about.
  6. To Adapt
    Something your unconscious mind needs you to adapt to. What do you need to do to adapt to the situation or to this energy. What will help you out in the long run.

Gemini reading

As always here is my example reading to demonstrate how I would interpret this spread. I wasn’t sure at first if I would read the top and bottom cards both ways, as I often do. I did in the example, but focused a little more on the position I pulled them in. I do think reading them both ways helps further the duality theme, but it is up to you if you wish to do so or not.

Overview: A lot of swords, so mental energy is very much present. Fitting for a Gemini spread. There are 2 major arcana cards hinting at bigger themes and 2 court cards, hinting at the level of mastery over the subject.

  1. Current state of being – Six of Swords Reversed
    Six of swords is a card about contemplation during a transition. The downside of this contemplation, when looking at it reversed, can be overthinking, or letting thoughts hold you back from transitioning to the next thing. Instead of moving on to the next thing, we hold on to what’s in the past.
  2. The conscious mind – King of Cups (Reversed)
    Occupied with the theme of the King of Cups, the conscious mind is focused on controlling the balance between one’s own emotions and compassion needed in his environment. It could be that you’re trying to learn how to better manage these things, or perhaps you’ve been moody, maybe a tad manipulative, and you need to figure out how to bring that back in balance.
  3. The unconscious mind – Chariot
    The unconscious mind is occupied with movement, reaching a destination of sorts. This can be a goal, an actual place or pursuing a desire of sorts. Movement is made easiest when it comes from a place of willpower, desire. Seeing this is going on in the unconscious, it may be hard to pinpoint what the Chariot is moving towards.
  4. Action to take – Fool Reversed
    So here we are drawing parallels between this position and #1. The first card was about preventing oneself mentally from moving on to the next thing. The fool, upright, typically represents starting a new journey, carefree without judgement. Reversed however, it often asks us to not be naive about whatever we wish to embark upon. It is okay to be wary of things, to contemplate, but it shouldn’t prevent one from moving forward. Be mindful of recklessness.
  5. To explore – Ace of Swords
    Correlating to #2. The ace of swords speaks of mental strength, and a sharp mind. Perhaps there are already thought patterns in your mind forming how to maintain your emotional balance, or perhaps it is filled with confusion and chaos. Explore these thoughts you have related to #2. What do they have to teach you?
  6. To Adapt – Page of Swords
    Correlating to #3. In order to adapt in favour of the Chariot, the Page of Swords tells us to focus on our curiosity, the restlessness that drives us, the mental energy. It’s also a warning of rushing through it, leaving us with unsatisfying results. Don’t be all talk, let your words and thoughts guide your actions as the chariot takes you where you desire to go.

While the Conscious and Unconscious can both relate to the same thing, they do not necessarily have to be. The parallels we draw here are very much dependant on the connections you see in the cards based on intuition. How do they relate to your life, or what does your intuition tell you about the querent in these cases.

I hope to see you again next month with the Moon in Cancer spread!

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