Leo Moon Spread

Hey Moonchild! I’m back with another Moon cycle spread in preparation of the Dark & New Moon in Cancer that will happen this Monday. The second Dark Moon Cancer in a row, just before Leo season starts. (The Dark Moon in Cancer happens the 20th at 5.34pm UT). This is the eleventh spread in my Lunar Cycle series. I hope you’ve all been enjoying it so far but if you are not familiar with working with the moon I encourage you to read my blog The Moon.

For this spread I used my own creation, Inner Dimensions Tarot.

Leo Energy

Leo is ruled by the Sun. The sign represents the inner child, creativity and passionate self expression. Leo energy isn’t afraid to show it’s pride, or to let you hear its roar. Like it’s ruler, the Sun, Leo loves to shine and be seen. So any creative pursuits, connecting with others and reconnecting with your inner child are great things to do during Leo season. Leo is a Fixed sign like Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus, meaning they know how to stand their ground.

During the Dark moon both the Sun and Moon will be in the final degrees of Cancer, moving into the sign of Leo 1 or 2 days later. This puts the initial energy for this cycle with a focus on emotional nurturing before it mixes with the Leo sun energy. You can also do a Cancer spread for this cycle, but I choose to write the Leo spread, given the whole cycle will be influenced by the Sun in Leo regardless. (The next cycle will start with a Dark Moon in Leo).

Leo Spread

This spread was build around Leo shape and energy, specifically creative/passionate self expression.

  • 1. PRIDE – Focus of expression
    What part of you needs to be expressed? What needs to be focused on?
  • 2. FIRE – Where to draw passion/inspiration from
    What sparks the fire in you? This is a thing that related to your focus will help inspire you to get to work on it.
  • 3. ROAR – How to express/present yourself
    The lion needs to be heard and seen. What way of expressing will help you out best.
  • 4. FIXED – How to stand your ground
    We all need to stand our ground in times of difficulty, and self-expression can have its difficult moments.
  • 5. CREATE – How to take action
    Now that you’re informed, it is time to take action, to express, to create, to make that flame take shape. How will you go about it?

Leo reading

As always here is my example reading to demonstrate how I would interpret this spread.

  • 1. PRIDE – 9 of Fire R.
    Be careful not to burn out in your passionate pursuits. The last embers of a forest fire are still destructive but will eventually help revitalize the earth for new growth. It’s the final stretch in a cycle, don’t let yourself be worn out before you’re able to reach the finish line.
  • 2. FIRE – Death R
    Allowing things to end, so you can make room for new and different things, is a necessary step no matter how difficult. Something may be ending right now and it may be a good thing to be celebrated, allow this to fill you with new ideas.
  • 3. ROAR – 5 of Water
    Sometimes all we can do is accept our loss or disappointment in a situation. It’s not always easy but you’ll need to find a way past the ‘sadness’ of the situation and try see and express the flip side of it. Allow your emotions to be and work through them instead of with or against them.
  • 4. FIXED – The Moon
    Do not let the illusions life or your own mind play on you get you down. Try to see things for what they are, acknowledge how you feel and go through with it. Trust your gut but don’t throw logic out of the window just yet.
  • 5. CREATE – The Star R.
    Make a change. Reach out to the stars that make up your universe and look for that what truly connects you to yourself, your passion and creativity. Sometimes our actions are ones of preparation, and this spread calls on a transition period. Allow it to happen.

This was a big call out to me. I’ve been working on making this deck for over a year now and now it seems to be finally done, and I don’t know how to move forward. Naturally, I see this back in this spread. And while I hoped to show you how you could see a course of passionate action in this example reading, this is also a reality in reading tarot. Sometimes the result is not what you hope for, but that doesn’t make it any less worth your time. I know that if I work on the things this spread pointed out, I will be able to move forward in better ways in the long run.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself, and let me know if you try out this spread! I love seeing what it brings to you. If you are curious about this tarot deck, I will be posting a blog about it the moment it is available for purchase!
I hope to see you again next month with the final Moon in Virgo spread!

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