Hello everyone, I’m here to give you all an update on something a little bit different, my very own Tarot deck. What? Why? Well, after almost 2 years of working on this, it is now done and up for sale!

When did this start…

Some of you may already know this, but I started working on this Tarot deck late 2018. For my Media Design exam year I had to create my own masterpiece. This could be anything as long it tied into the theme of “alternate reality” and showed my expertise as a creative in the field. For my masterpiece I decided to create a tarot deck focused on the internal dimensions of the self.

This was no mere restyle of traditional tarot but a new look at the cards their meanings and depictions. I’ve been using tarot since I was 8 years old, and as you all know, Tarot is something very dear to me and my path in life. So it felt only fitting to start making a deck to show my expertise. Due to the time frame for my masterpiece I only made the Major Arcana of the set, 22 cards, an affirmation card & a guidebook for these cards.

After graduating in summer 2019 I proceeded to finish this project, meaning I had to illustrate the remaining 56 cards to complete the set.

Now a year later, the deck and guidebook are not only done, but also available for purchase! 

The guidebook is a digital mobile friendly format to not only save on print cost, but also to make it more accessible for people to use on the go. After all, most people have either a phone, tablet or PC available to them nowadays. Best thing, because it is digital you can click on the page numbers to take you straight to it!

I made sure to add upright, reversed, elemental, astrological and thematic meanings for all the cards in the deck to help you out wherever you may need it to get the most out of the deck.

The Deck itself is available through an on-demand printer. This meant I didn’t need to do a pre-order or Kick-starter to sell the deck, and there won’t be printed more decks than there are people looking for it. As these decks are also send directly from the printer to their final destination it also cuts down on the individual footprint. 

The cards themselves are printed on linen texture, gloss finish, casino quality card stock that has a black core (meaning no see-through). All the designs were hand drawn and painted by myself and the back design is reversible which was a total must for me personally. I’ve found using my test prints to be a breeze and I hope you’ll have the same experience.

I’ve added links below to where you can buy the deck and read the guidebook.

The deck used in my Leo Spread.

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Graphic design, Animations & Illustrations

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