Reflect & Review on Your Year

It’s me again today because I just want to share something with you that I realized for myself in terms of habits and new year resolutions, hoping that it may help you out a little. This isn’t necessarily a spiritual topic, its a life topic that can very well apply to your spiritual practice. I want to talk about instead of just making resolutions that you try to reflection and review.

Continue reading Reflect & Review on Your Year

Speed Learning Cartomancy by Julian Moore

This book has been part of my reading goal of 2021 for a few months now, and it has taken me quite a bit of work to get to read through it. Not because it was bad, or dull, but I’ve been having issue keeping myself focused on reading and with the way it is set up, I kept wanting to turn it into a bigger study as I’ve been wanting to get more familiar with Cartomancy. So here is my little review of Speed Learning Cartomancy by Julian Moore!

Continue reading Speed Learning Cartomancy by Julian Moore

A Digital Grimoire in Notion

Hello everyone, it’s been a while since I’ve last posted on the blog! While I’m not ditching the blog any time soon, I don’t know when I’ll pick it back up to the way it was before. However, that doesn’t mean it’s going to remain quiet like it has lately, and I will be sharing some posts whenever I can muster the energy and inspiration to do so. This post is one of those. I just want to avoid making content for the sake of it, I think that will be detrimental to the quality of my content.

I’ve written before about Your book of magic or essentially, ways to help you get started on your own grimoire, book of shadows, whatever you want to call it. I’ve shared several physical and digital methods in that post but one that I’m currently using as my primary digital note taking method wasn’t in there.

This method I’ll discuss here uses Notion, and I have a special treat for those of you who wish to try it out specifically for keeping a grimoire in it, as I’ve build a template for it. I’ll talk a little bit about how/why I use it and what the template is like. This method may not be for everyone, but that is okay. If it works out for 1 more person, that’s enough for me. And if you’re anything like me, this may quickly become your main digital note taking tool as well, and did I mention it has a Dark Mode? Let’s get into it!

Continue reading A Digital Grimoire in Notion

Lesson #8 – Reading for yourself & others

Welcome to the eight, or last, lesson in my Reading Tarot series! If you’ve missed the first few lessons in this series go check it out first. Previously we went over the topic of spreads.

In this lesson, I will go over ways to read for yourself as well as for other people. While I’m sure the majority of these things can be applied to more systems than just Tarot, as with all the other lessons, Tarot will be the focus.

For the pictures in this post I used the Terra Volatile Tarot.

Continue reading Lesson #8 – Reading for yourself & others

Monthly Shadow Guidance – Disconnect & Brighten

Hello and welcome back for your monthly dose of Shadow Work prompts! As usual I will draw you a shadow and a support card to contemplate and explore this months.

This month we are dealing with the Shadow found within the Star, paired with Brighten.

If you are into divination yourself you can pull the Star out of your deck and do a 3 card spread underneath it to reveal how this aspect has shown up in your personal life.

For these readings I have been using my very own the Inner Dimensions Tarot and the Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle by Siolo Thompson.

Continue reading Monthly Shadow Guidance – Disconnect & Brighten

Lesson #7 – Utilizing Spreads

Welcome to the seventh lesson in my Reading Tarot series! If you’ve missed the first few lessons in this series go check it out first. Last time we went over personal associations.

In this lesson, I will go over utilizing spreads to enhance your reading experiences. Picking the right spreads or making your own can give you a structure that provides not just insight into the situation you’re reading about but also a way to further explore connections within the situation. To be able to see the bigger picture other than themes of the individual cards a bigger spread can be a good solution.

For the pictures in this post I used the Terra Volatile Tarot.

Continue reading Lesson #7 – Utilizing Spreads

Monthly Shadow Guidance – Empathy & Magic

It’s been a while since I last posted a Shadow Work prompt, but here I am again with a new one! As always, I’ll be pulling a shadow card and a support card and try to give you some insight and questions to work with and delve deeper.

This month we are dealing with the Shadow found within the Visionary of Water, paired with Magic.

If you are into divination yourself you can pull the Queen of Cups out of your deck and do a 3 card spread underneath it to reveal how this aspect has shown up in your personal life.

For these readings I have been using my very own the Inner Dimensions Tarot and the Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle by Siolo Thompson.

Continue reading Monthly Shadow Guidance – Empathy & Magic

Lesson #6 – Your Personal Associations

Welcome to the sixth lesson in my Reading Tarot series! If you’ve missed the first few lessons in this series go check it out first. Last time we went over layers and patterns in depictions.

In this lesson, I will go over how to develop and use your own personal associations with tarot. This is also something that can be applied to pretty much any other divination method, as it tends to be a bit more personal and intuitive. The reason I put this lesson after the “Reading Layers & Patterns” lessons is because I am of the opinion you need to be familiar with the basic structure of tarot before you can start weaving in your own associations on top of those, especially when you’re new to a system, otherwise you’d just be reading it like a word prompt oracle deck.

For the pictures in this post I used the Supra Oracle and Terra Volatile Tarot.

Continue reading Lesson #6 – Your Personal Associations

Symbols: Feathers

I hope you are having a nice and relaxing Sunday! Today I want to talk about my symbolic associations with feathers.

I’m an avid feather collector. At least, I would think so judging by the literal jar of feathers I keep in my altar storage. These are all feathers I was given or found on walks. The majority of them were collected at times they ‘stood out to me’ but a handful were collected from my fathers yard where her keeps chickens and a family of jackdaws often decides to make their nest.

Continue reading Symbols: Feathers

Mundane Magic: Keeping a Journal

It’s been a while since I last did a Mundane Magic blog, but as some of you all know, I’ve been restructuring my Bullet Journal practice since getting my Filofax Notebook and want to talk about how I incorporate my spiritual practice into it. I will go over both the planner as well as the journaling aspect of a bullet journal.

Sidenote, I’ve been struggling a bit with taking pictures and editing them properly since we’ve had a lot of rain lately and I’ve had to move to editing on my phone for reasons not worth mentioning here. Let me know if the quality bothers you at all or not.

Continue reading Mundane Magic: Keeping a Journal