Ancestral Connections: Food

I haven’t written much about ancestral veneration on the blog, and it can be a tricky subject to some, especially if you don’t have a good or healthy relationship with your family, living or deceased. Yet ancestral veneration is often framed as a very big or important element of paganism and related cultural or religious practices. So let’s have a look at one angle to tackle that: Food.

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Working with Deities

This post might be long overdue, but even though this blog never started out with a focus on paganism, a lot of traditional or folk witchcraft touches on the gods of the various religions of the world, new and old. Some people roll into witchcraft never even considering a religious or godly aspect to it, while others wish to integrate the two in their practice. Whatever your motivations to seek out working with deities, I hope this post will help you out!

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Hitting the Wall in Practice

We all have busy lives and things we want to do and achieve, and like with any skill or habit sometimes that means you hit a wall, get in a rut, feel stuck in a knot and overall just don’t know how to move forward or pick it back up for various reasons. In this post, I hope to give you some angles that might help you pick back up or revise your practice. This is a more practical post, and may therefore not be relevant to everyone. I have added my personal examples in italics if relevant.

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Book Review: Rudiments of Runelore, Stephen Pollington

If you have been looking for a relatively condensed source to get started with Runes I think I may have just the book for you. In this post, I will be going over the book Rudiments of Runelore, by Stephen Pollington. This is a small book that focuses more on the historical evidence we have for runes and their development rather than a magic- or divination-focused description, although these topics are briefly mentioned.

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The Heathen Calendar

Hello and welcome back to the blog in 2022! Today I want to talk about the Heathen calendar, reconstructed/interpreted from the Primstav or Runic Calendar. The Primstav is actually a historical piece we’ve found that showed how people tracked time in old Germanic/Scandinavian regions, it’s pretty cool if you think about it, or at least I think so.

Why do I want to talk about it? Part of getting myself, and my bullet journal, ready for 2022 was to set up my heathen calendar events in the new FiloFax Notebook monthly inserts I’d purchased, so I thought I’d take y’all through it on the first day of the month Þorri.

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A Digital Grimoire in Notion

Hello everyone, it’s been a while since I’ve last posted on the blog! While I’m not ditching the blog any time soon, I don’t know when I’ll pick it back up to the way it was before. However, that doesn’t mean it’s going to remain quiet like it has lately, and I will be sharing some posts whenever I can muster the energy and inspiration to do so. This post is one of those. I just want to avoid making content for the sake of it, I think that will be detrimental to the quality of my content.

I’ve written before about Your book of magic or essentially, ways to help you get started on your own grimoire, book of shadows, whatever you want to call it. I’ve shared several physical and digital methods in that post but one that I’m currently using as my primary digital note taking method wasn’t in there.

This method I’ll discuss here uses Notion, and I have a special treat for those of you who wish to try it out specifically for keeping a grimoire in it, as I’ve build a template for it. I’ll talk a little bit about how/why I use it and what the template is like. This method may not be for everyone, but that is okay. If it works out for 1 more person, that’s enough for me. And if you’re anything like me, this may quickly become your main digital note taking tool as well, and did I mention it has a Dark Mode? Let’s get into it!

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Symbols: Feathers

I hope you are having a nice and relaxing Sunday! Today I want to talk about my symbolic associations with feathers.

I’m an avid feather collector. At least, I would think so judging by the literal jar of feathers I keep in my altar storage. These are all feathers I was given or found on walks. The majority of them were collected at times they ‘stood out to me’ but a handful were collected from my fathers yard where her keeps chickens and a family of jackdaws often decides to make their nest.

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Symbols: Lavender Purple

I hope you are having a nice and relaxing Sunday! Today I want to talk about my symbolic associations with lavender and its purple color. Both the herb and the color have a certain common association but I also want to go into the plant properties a little bit.

Disclaimer, I don’t recommend medicinal use of this plant without proper research or advice of a trained herbalist, and burning or diffusing of it should be done in well ventilated areas away from children or pets.

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