Working with Deities

This post might be long overdue, but even though this blog never started out with a focus on paganism, a lot of traditional or folk witchcraft touches on the gods of the various religions of the world, new and old. Some people roll into witchcraft never even considering a religious or godly aspect to it, while others wish to integrate the two in their practice. Whatever your motivations to seek out working with deities, I hope this post will help you out!

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Deity Feature: Jörmungandr

It’s time for another deity feature, but this time we’re covering a creature more so than a deity. We will be going over the infamous Jörmungandr. This creature isn’t exclusive to Norse myth however, and its very likely you’ve heard the name Ouroboros before, that originally comes from Ancient Egypt.

Please bear in mind that I’ll try to give you as much factual information about this being, but I cannot fully discuss them without adding my own experiences to it, so a part of this should be considered UPG (Unverified Personal Gnosis)

Artwork made by myself based on my interpretation of these deities.


Jörmungandr, meaning a combination of ‘huge/mighty’ and either ‘monster’ or ‘conduit of magic’. It is also known as the Midgard/World Serpent and is the second child of the God Loki and the giantess Angrboða. Their siblings being the goddess Hel and the wolf Fenrir.

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Sól & Máni – Gender in the Craft

Would you be confused if I told you the Sun is a Goddess and the Moon is a God? Well that is what I’ll be talking about in this Deity Feature! I’ll be discussing the Northern European Solar & Lunar pair, Sól and Máni.

Because it is now also pride month, and I came out as non-binary last month, I decided to write about Gender in witchcraft a little bit, from observation and my own experiences. It may not seem related to these 2 deities, but that’s where the personal bit comes in.

I will start off with the deity feature, and maybe you’ll find my personal addition an interesting or inspiring read.

Please bear in mind that I’ll try to give you as much factual information about this pair, but I cannot fully discuss them without adding my own experiences to it, so a large part of this should be considered UPG (Unverified Personal Gnosis)

Artwork made by myself based on my interpretation of these deities.

Continue reading Sól & Máni – Gender in the Craft

Deity Feature: Frigg, Freyja & Frijo

Back with another Deity Feature! This time I will be discussing Frigg, Freyja & Frijo. In this blog I will discuss them separately but also why in my own practice I see them as one and the same. These 3 goddesses have very high ranking roles in Northern/Germanic tradition and as a loyal follower I’m eager to introduce them to you.

Please remember while I aim to supply you with as much factual information regarding the topic as I can, I cannot discuss these things without adding my own experiences and thus some things should be considered UPG. Furthermore, there are things in regards to Heathen reconstruction we simply do not know for sure and it is therefore of importance one does their own research and makes their own conclusions based on that.

Continue reading Deity Feature: Frigg, Freyja & Frijo

Deity Feature: The Panes

Hello everyone, today I want to talk about something a little different that is related to my personal path. The Panes. These are a few remnants of my years looking into hellenic paganism that I still work with to this day. As most of you know I’m a multi polytheistic witch and my main worship focuses on the Norse Deities, a few Greek Deities and one Celtic Goddess.

The Panes, or aspects of the Primal Pan that some believed to be separate Deities. I’ve been working with especially one of them since the start of my Witchcraft journey at age 11 so they are quite dear to me. I won’t be going into Primal Pan too much and mainly focus on these aspects or epithets.

Continue reading Deity Feature: The Panes

Dutch Folklore – Witte Wieven


There between, the mist and trees

is where they wander, and you hear their speech

for watchful eyes, they are known

the wise white women, of the land they roam


– art & poem by me.

Hello everyone, today I wanted to talk to you about something different from my usual type of blogs. This will be about a spirit type from Dutch folklore that my dad used to tell us about growing up whenever we visited his family in Laren. The area he grew up in is apparently well known for this type of spirit, being as there are even restaurants and such named after it. Lately, they have been on my mind a lot so I thought to share it with you all what I found when looking into it further.

Continue reading Dutch Folklore – Witte Wieven