My Deck Interview Process

Hey there, I hope you have had a good first few weeks in the new year! For a lot of us the new year means new things, or an endless cycle of trying to incorporate new or old things into our lives. One of my ‘new things’ is my new planning & journaling system, and when I shared the deck interview of one of my new decks in my new journal system on social media I was reminded how I never updated my old process from this blog post from 2019.

So today I want to take you through my current process of interviewing new decks in my collection, and why I might revisit this with a deck down the line.

Continue reading My Deck Interview Process

Lesson #8 – Reading for yourself & others

Welcome to the eight, or last, lesson in my Reading Tarot series! If you’ve missed the first few lessons in this series go check it out first. Previously we went over the topic of spreads.

In this lesson, I will go over ways to read for yourself as well as for other people. While I’m sure the majority of these things can be applied to more systems than just Tarot, as with all the other lessons, Tarot will be the focus.

For the pictures in this post I used the Terra Volatile Tarot.

Continue reading Lesson #8 – Reading for yourself & others

Lesson #7 – Utilizing Spreads

Welcome to the seventh lesson in my Reading Tarot series! If you’ve missed the first few lessons in this series go check it out first. Last time we went over personal associations.

In this lesson, I will go over utilizing spreads to enhance your reading experiences. Picking the right spreads or making your own can give you a structure that provides not just insight into the situation you’re reading about but also a way to further explore connections within the situation. To be able to see the bigger picture other than themes of the individual cards a bigger spread can be a good solution.

For the pictures in this post I used the Terra Volatile Tarot.

Continue reading Lesson #7 – Utilizing Spreads

Lesson #6 – Your Personal Associations

Welcome to the sixth lesson in my Reading Tarot series! If you’ve missed the first few lessons in this series go check it out first. Last time we went over layers and patterns in depictions.

In this lesson, I will go over how to develop and use your own personal associations with tarot. This is also something that can be applied to pretty much any other divination method, as it tends to be a bit more personal and intuitive. The reason I put this lesson after the “Reading Layers & Patterns” lessons is because I am of the opinion you need to be familiar with the basic structure of tarot before you can start weaving in your own associations on top of those, especially when you’re new to a system, otherwise you’d just be reading it like a word prompt oracle deck.

For the pictures in this post I used the Supra Oracle and Terra Volatile Tarot.

Continue reading Lesson #6 – Your Personal Associations

Lesson #5 – Reading Layers & Patterns 4: Depiction

Welcome to the fifth lesson in my Reading Tarot series! If you’ve missed the first few lessons in this series go check it out first. Previously we went into treading patterns in balance. This will be the last post specifically about layers and patterns, the lessons after this go more into your practice or how you can build one.

In this lesson, I will go over how card depictions can give you visual clues to read layers and patterns. This method works better for some decks than others, but can also be applied to certain other card systems, like oracle decks.

For this post I used 6 decks: Prisma Visions Tarot, Hush Tarot, Crow Tarot, Dutch Tarot de Marseilles, 3rd edition Darkness of Light Tarot and Pam’s Vintage Tarot.

Continue reading Lesson #5 – Reading Layers & Patterns 4: Depiction

Lesson #4 – Reading Layers & Patterns 3: Balance

Welcome to the fourth lesson in my Reading Tarot series! If you’ve missed the first few lessons in this series go check it out first. Previously we covered patterns in numbers.

In this lesson, I will go through balance in the cards, referring to negatives and positives, reversed meanings and distribution of suits in spreads. For this lesson I used my trimmed Wild Unknown Tarot.

Continue reading Lesson #4 – Reading Layers & Patterns 3: Balance

Lesson #3 – Reading Layers & Patterns 2: Numbers

Welcome to the third lesson in my Reading Tarot series! In the previous Lesson #2 we focused on the first step of reading layers and patterns and went into the Fools Journey. In this lesson, I will go through the underlying themes in numbers and how you can use numbers as a way of reading patterns.

If you remember that exercise in Lesson 1 – The Tarot System, that will come in handy with this lesson. If you haven’t done it yet, I will repeat the exercise at the end with some additional points. You’re not required to do these exercises but they can be helpful if this is something new to you.

Continue reading Lesson #3 – Reading Layers & Patterns 2: Numbers

Lesson #2 – Reading Layers & Patterns 1: Fools Journey

Welcome to the second lesson in my Reading Tarot series! If you’ve missed the first lesson in this series go check it out first. Did you get through the exercises? In this post I will tell you about the journey pattern we can find within the Tarot system, often referred to as the Fools Journey.

Continue reading Lesson #2 – Reading Layers & Patterns 1: Fools Journey

Lessons: Reading Tarot

Hey everyone! I am starting a new series in 2021, Tarot Lessons to help you learn to read the Tarot Attitude (and maybe some tips for other systems!).

In this series I will be going over the tarot system and various ways to learn to read it. I will not be going into the card meanings one by one, but rather giving you tips to help you grow more familiar with them yourself. The blogs will be called lessons and contain information and questions for you to work with on your own.

Continue reading Lessons: Reading Tarot