July ’23: New things in reflections

I’ve been thinking hard about what I want with my blog lately. I miss sharing my thoughts with you all, but things I used to do in the past just don’t feel the same anymore. I want to be excited about my research and interests and share that, but also not put the pressure on myself of making it a big thing. So, I thought, why not do a monthly reflection post with all the things I’ve been up to kind of like you’re reading a newsletter with bits and pieces. It’s an experiment, and this will be the first to try that out.

I’ll be covering topics relating to divination, books and creativity in here.

Continue reading July ’23: New things in reflections

Hitting the Wall in Practice

We all have busy lives and things we want to do and achieve, and like with any skill or habit sometimes that means you hit a wall, get in a rut, feel stuck in a knot and overall just don’t know how to move forward or pick it back up for various reasons. In this post, I hope to give you some angles that might help you pick back up or revise your practice. This is a more practical post, and may therefore not be relevant to everyone. I have added my personal examples in italics if relevant.

Continue reading Hitting the Wall in Practice

Looking back on 2022

Happy new year to you all!

Since my frequency posting this year has been really sporadic I thought I would tell you a little bit about my journey through 2022. This post will be a bit of a personal life update in terms of habits, transition, and my religious/occult practice. I end the blog with a card forecast as to my 2023 theme & reminder.

Continue reading Looking back on 2022

Hurdles on the threads of Wyrd

I continue to find myself struggling to find words for writing, to bring you content on the blog and instead my focus has been on a hurdle that seemed to increase in size overtime. So here I am contemplating the journey, the hurdle, fate or Wyrd and wishing to share those thoughts with you all. This is a bit more personal of a blog and maybe not as practical or uplifting, so if you aren’t interested in reading any of that, just skip this one for now.

As an aside, I did start a blog on Mundane Magic / handcraft in March that I just cannot finish currently, but know it will be coming soon in the meantime.

Continue reading Hurdles on the threads of Wyrd

Unlearning limitations

Hey you, I’m happy to see you here. I’ve been going through a bit of a rough patch for a while now and this blog is about a main thread in that. There are limitations in our lives we are subjected to, but some of those are entirely based on societies ideas of things, not on what they actually are, and others are limitations we create in our own heads based on struggles. I see this a lot with my gender identity vs expression, my ASD and also my spiritual path.

I’m starting a new category, Thoughts of the Journey, for these types of blogs where I want to discuss my thoughts, feelings and other related things to my journey in life as a nonbinary spiritual (heathen) person. I notice that I have more of an urge to talk about my not necessarily entirely spiritual experiences and I want this blog to hold a space for that.

Continue reading Unlearning limitations