A Digital Grimoire in Notion

Hello everyone, it’s been a while since I’ve last posted on the blog! While I’m not ditching the blog any time soon, I don’t know when I’ll pick it back up to the way it was before. However, that doesn’t mean it’s going to remain quiet like it has lately, and I will be sharing some posts whenever I can muster the energy and inspiration to do so. This post is one of those. I just want to avoid making content for the sake of it, I think that will be detrimental to the quality of my content.

I’ve written before about Your book of magic or essentially, ways to help you get started on your own grimoire, book of shadows, whatever you want to call it. I’ve shared several physical and digital methods in that post but one that I’m currently using as my primary digital note taking method wasn’t in there.

This method I’ll discuss here uses Notion, and I have a special treat for those of you who wish to try it out specifically for keeping a grimoire in it, as I’ve build a template for it. I’ll talk a little bit about how/why I use it and what the template is like. This method may not be for everyone, but that is okay. If it works out for 1 more person, that’s enough for me. And if you’re anything like me, this may quickly become your main digital note taking tool as well, and did I mention it has a Dark Mode? Let’s get into it!

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