My Deck Interview Process

Hey there, I hope you have had a good first few weeks in the new year! For a lot of us the new year means new things, or an endless cycle of trying to incorporate new or old things into our lives. One of my ‘new things’ is my new planning & journaling system, and when I shared the deck interview of one of my new decks in my new journal system on social media I was reminded how I never updated my old process from this blog post from 2019.

So today I want to take you through my current process of interviewing new decks in my collection, and why I might revisit this with a deck down the line.

Continue reading My Deck Interview Process

Tarot 101 – Jumpers, Significators & Clarifiers

Hello Tarot Nerds! I’m back with another 101 post this time on a couple concepts you might come across on your reading journey that to some feel obvious, but aren’t always really explained.

I wanted to get this out of the way in preparation of my post “Making your own Spreads” because significators and clarifiers are often components of spreads and having those clarified beforehand might help you out a little more there.

Continue reading Tarot 101 – Jumpers, Significators & Clarifiers

Daily readings (1/2)

Hello, lovely souls and welcome to my first Tarot Spread post!

These spreads are also great when you want to work with Oracle cards, as your main goal may be to work with one card during that day (or week…) and learn more about all sides of its meaning, or perhaps use two cards to change things up a bit. Either way, great for doing short dailies or when you want to get more of a general idea about a situation.

Continue reading Daily readings (1/2)